
Learn More About Hair Transplantation

Collagen Induction Therapy in Hair Loss Treatment

Collagen is one of the most common vitamins in your body. Collagen, a vitamin we have seen frequently in shampoos and body lotions in recent years, has various important roles, such as giving structure to your skin and helping your blood to clot.

Collagen one of the major building blocks of bones, muscles, tendons, skin, and ligaments, and it is also found in many other body parts, including blood vessels corneas, and teeth.

Collagen induction therapy, also known as micro-needling, is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that’s used to treat skin concerns via collagen production. This therapy can help you to decrease the appearance of acne marks and stretch scars.

Basically, micro-needling or collagen induction therapy affects increasing collagen production in the skin. Thus, some surgeons suggest that you can use collagen induction therapy to treat your hair loss problems.

Collagen induction or micro-needling therapy can help to regenerate the health of your hair follicles. It can result in new hair growth, or it can thicken thinning hair as seen in male pattern baldness.

You may wonder are there any side-effects of micro-needling therapy. Yes, there are some side effects of collagen induction therapy like other hair loss treatments, such as bruising, redness, swelling, and pain.

All in all, if you are suffering from hair loss or baldness problems you can use micro-needling, also known as collagen induction therapy. If you want to find out more about hair transplant surgery methods, or if you consider hair transplantation treatment, you can contact us by filling out the form, or you can read our blog.

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